Physical Preparation

Physical Preparation for TREK

Are YOU physically prepared to go on TREK? 
What are you doing NOW that will prepare you for TREK?

Below are some suggestions to physically prepare for TREK:

Prepare yourself physically so you can gain the most spiritually from your TREK experience.

Watch this clip:
Get in Shape

General Guidelines

To physically prepare yourself for TREK, here are some general guidelines:

Start walking!
  • Walk for at least 30 minutes a day several times a week
  • Vary your route
  • Walk uphill

Drink water!
  • Drink more water -- hydrate! hydrate! hydrate!
  • Limit Sodas, Energy drinks or other carbonation from your body
  • Follow the Word of Wisdom

Condition your feet!

Begin now to find the right shoes to wear. DO NOT buy new shoes for TREK!  Comfort is most important. Remember, your toes need room to expand, because your feet will swell a full shoe size as you walk on the TREK.

Running shoes
are a good choice because they provide cushioning, motion control and support. 

Hiking boots
do not provide motion control features that many people need, and may be inflexible and heavy!

  • Wearing the wrong shoes on TREK will give you blisters and make walking very painful.

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